Jesup - Wayne County Airport (JES)
Publicly Owned, Public Use - Managed by SutAir
3 mi- S of city,
N31° - 33.25', W81° - 53.01
Type | ID | Freq | Radial | Distance |
VOR | AMG | 115.1 | 088 | 32 MI |
NDB | JES | 340 | On Field |
Communication Freqs: Unicom - 122.8; FSS - 122.4; CTAF - 122.8
Approach Freqs: Jacksonville Center: 126 7 5
WX Contact: AWOS 340.0
FSS: MACON 122.4
Elevation: 107 MSL
Attended: 8 am to 5 pm daily, closed weekends
Fees: Free Tie Down, Hangar Fee
Charts: JACKSONVILLE; L-18 H, 19 A, 27 A
Traffic Pattern: Light Aircraft.- 1108 MSL; Heavy Aircraft: 1608 MSL
Runways: 11-29: 5500X100; asphalt; trees rwy 11
Approaches: GPS RNAV; NDB
Lights: SS to SR 122.8 Low - 5 clicks in 5 secs. Beacon: night & during bad wx
Special Operations: Helicopter Ops; Military Ops;
Fuel: 1OOLL; Jet-A
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Mitch Sutton,
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